
Monday, February 14, 2011

Feeling Pioneer-ish?

It all started one lonely night when Rustin was gone and I found myself home suffering from post-book syndrome. (You know that feeling when you finish a good book and find yourself wandering around the house feeling displaced and looking for something that seems to be missing..?).
My sister suggested I read this online book--Black Heels to Tractor Wheels--on the internet.  It only took a minute and I was hooked!  I read the entire thing way too fast and quickly found myself back in that post-book syndrome again. 
Unfortunately I discovered that this particular story hadn't been published. So I quickly filled my time reading about photography, cooking and life on the ranch.
When I found out that not only was that awesome online romance story published, but that Ree Drummond was coming to Salt Lake City, I couldn't pass up the chance to get a hold of my own copy of both Black Heels to Tractor Wheels and The Pioneer Woman cooks.  And it was a good excuse to get out of town with my mom and sister.  After all, my days of easily leaving kids behind are numbered.
We had a great weekend and I love love love the books.

Ree was just as charming and down-to-earth in person as she is in her writing.  It was fun to hear her speak about needing static guard and about wearing two layers of spanks to try to hide all the "lumps."

Many thanks to everyone for a great night!  And to my sis--I got you an autographed copy!

Ree's cute kids watched from the balcony.

Did you notice I found my camera?  Now I've lost my phone. ugg.


Juli said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!! You are the best older sister in the world. Thank you for thinking of me. I heart PW!

Juli said...

Look in the fridge (for the phone!) Maybe Emmett got it.

Kimberly said...

Wouldn't that be I love heart PW to you?