
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Time flies

Dallin and Landon turned 11 last month. They are growing like weeds. We have really seen a lot of growth (of all kinds) this last year. The boys are looking more and more long-limbed and big-footed (like my invention of descriptive terms?!). They are ready to start football camps this summer. whoa! They are really such great examples to the younger kids. We are extremely pleased.

I'm going to include some pictures of scouts. The boys earned their arrow of light awards and bridged over into boy scouts. (Again--time flies!) Their scout troop set up a time line that will have them earn their first class scout award by this fall. Pretty ambitious--we'll see! They have a great group of boys their age which we are so grateful for.

1 comment:

beck said...

Cute boys. They're a good example to Ethan too. Always so nice to him. Good job.