It's amazing what a little water can do to a desert. Not many know that the Magic Valley is so named because the irrigation system that was hand dug throughout the valley "magically" turned a desolate looking desert to one of the most fertile farming valleys around. Most tourists come to see Shoshone Falls--which is spectacular. We prefer our own local wonder hidden among dirt roads and fields just starting to grow.
We went to Cauldron Linn this last week for Family Home Evening. It was spectacular with all the spring run-off water. It is a spot on the Snake river where the canyon narrows to 40 feet and the water is forced through the opening like a massive churning washing machine. It's truly stunning. And people come from far and wide to kayak through the world-class Murtaugh stretch of the river. (Not Cauldron Linn--no one has ever gone through that water way and survived.) This year a man from Pocatello died up river when his raft was trapped. Very sad.
We weren't nearly as close to the edge as it looks in the pictures. Jenna still had a death grip on her dad but at least she was able to smile this year. Remember these pictures when the water level was low? Some of my favorites of all time!
We had my mom and dad with us. We ate dinner just a couple hundred yards away from the Cauldron where the river is glassy and deceptively calm. We imagined what it was like for the first explorers in canoes who didn't know how violent the river would get just a little way up stream. The first explorers lost two of their company and several of their canoes. We talked about how sometimes it can be hard to see dangerous things that are coming up in our lives. We have to read the maps and watch the signs and listen to the people who have already gone 'down the river.'
We also explained to the kids that sometimes people won't listen and they get stuck in the rapids where it's really hard or even impossible to get out. They have to have a rescue party. That's what our Dad is so busy doing. He is helping people that are trying really hard to make their lives better so they don't get trapped by sins. We all agreed that we don't mind sharing.
We ended with a rock skipping contest. Grandpa Patterson won--eleven skips! Great night.
In other news we are busy with remodeling the bathroom and packing and cleaning the house. The big move isn't far away. **Just finished book nine of Tennis shoes--ready for book 10. But, the much awaited book 5 of Percy and the Olympians comes out Tuesday, that will surely trump Tennis shoes. The boys won't let me read Percy to them. They both want to read it themselves. Good thing I have younger ones still!**
We have to go see that! I have never been there before! Did it make you a little nervous?
What an amazing family night, such a good lesson. I was glad to see that you really were not as close as it looked in the pictures! :)
That sounds like an amazing FHE!!! What a beautiful place to spend time as a family :)
Okay, so I've been absent from the blogging world - where are you guys moving? Did you buy a different house in Twin or are you MOVING?
We are still here in Twin. We just moved a mile or so into a house that we already owned. The renters we had moved out and we like that house better than the one we were in. I think we should all move around the block every year. The DI would be permanently stocked!
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