
Saturday, February 16, 2013

"I haf ortered dee feesh-heds".

The other day I went into the end of wrestling practice to drop off some paperwork to the coach and I heard Coach D announce that he had ordered fish heads which made all the boys cheer.  Weird.  
Unless you know Coach D and the Twin Falls wrestlers. 

This is Saiid Dabestani.  Possibly the best coach in the world.  
At least in our world.

Our local newspaper recently wrote an article about our boys' wrestling coach that gives great insight into Coach D's philosophies that make successful wrestlers.

“The wrestling culture, these people are obsessed with winning and when a kid loses they don’t realize that he is likely doing his best,” Dabestani said. “You have to stay positive. I discipline the kids, of course, and hold them to account, but you have to do it in a positive way so that the kid doesn't lose self-esteem. The coaches that are negative and yell, they all have it wrong.” 

Aren't we the luckiest parents?!

“Kids need attention; you have to give it to them,” Dabestani said. “Now is it positive or negative? You coach them like your own family member. I’m their grandpa, dad, you name it. … They are smart. They may not want to work hard, but they see right through you. You have to be very smart and honest with them. They know who you are and if you’re BSing them. You need to balance their time.”

Coach Dabestani is originally from Iran.  He was ranked third in the world championships in wrestling but gave up the Olympics and wrestling in general to come to America to go to school with a college scholarship.   He has a PhD in Chemistry. I'm sure he could easily be anywhere in the world.  I am so honored that he spends his days with my kids.  He has a great philosophy of creating success by increasing self-esteem

I wish all coaches could be coached by Coach Dabestani.

Coach D lost everything and started over from scratch three different times in his life. He says that wrestling gave him the determination to continue on with courage.  He is determined that his wrestlers will learn the same determination.
He is committed to teaching not just winning.
He is committed to encouragement not criticism.
He loves his boys.

To read all about coach D and the TFHS  fish head tradition read this awesome article written for the TimesNews.

Coach Saiid Dabestani news article.

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