We had the big day yesterday. It was as much fun as we hoped. Ashlee and Trevor Thomas were married here in Twin Falls. All seven original Patterson kids were home for the occasion. That was really a treat. I don't know how my parents raised seven kids who are happy and well adjusted and who love each other. They did.
Ash picked the perfect match for her and he can hang right in there with the rest of the fam. What a relief. Six down and only one to go. (no pressure there Tom...)
Juli and Shon stayed here at our house with their five kids (which our kids thought was as good as Christmas--seriously!). We had a blast and I loved having them here.
My mom and dad got through the event (barely) without having any nervous breakdowns.
Emily-the party planner-(aka Spencer's wife, have I mentioned how much we love this girl?) kept all the details rolling the day before. I was the designated baby sitter. Juli, Becki and Kendra (and of course Dad) were the workers. Ashlee was a gem. Honestly. She was so laid back. She just wanted to be married and didn't really worry about all the details. All brides should be like her. She even made her own cake (and was delighted to show up all of us skeptics!).
Abby hiding out in the apple tree with a treat
The lawn was beautiful. Mom and dad spent most of the summer getting everything just right. We all helped with weeding and raking and apple picking. It was sooo nice to have the wedding in our very own temple. The reception was perfect as well. The kids could run up and down the hill as much as they wanted and when they were tired we put them inside with a movie.
We had dozens of white roses (which are now making my house smell lovely!)
We even had golf carts to drive people to their cars (which was the hot spot for the brothers to hang out).
Trevor's family was also really great. They jumped right in and helped with all the little last minute work. We had everything packed up and cleaned in less than an hour. We are really happy to be indirectly joined to a great group of people.
Of course the best part was the actual wedding ceremony in the temple. The sealing room is beautiful and peaceful. Because the temple is a medium sized temple, there isn't a chapel so we all got to wait for the ceremony to begin in the very large sealing room. It was so peaceful. The ceremony was also very peaceful and well done. It was really a great day.
That is so awesome! I can't believe she made her own cake!!! It is beautiful! And the golf carts are like a cherry on top. Man, that is the stinkiest thing about living clear the heck in Texas. I hate missing things like that. You have such a great family. Your mom is a saint. I want to be like her when I grow up!
Give credit where it is due! MOM was the party planner! I suppose Ash had a little say also. It was one of the best receptions I've ever been to! And the cake was like the shining party disco ball!
The only details I cared about was having in in the back yard, and having the dipped pretzels. The rest of the glory goes to mom. Except the cake, I love that I did it, I love even more than no one thought I could do it and it was the cutest cake you have ever seen!
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