A great game of croquet...Lots of fun as usual. Jeremy came from behind to defeat Rustin and for once I wasn't the first one out! The weather has been really perfect. 60's and 70's.
Tom home from the Y of I for the weekend and for Emmet's blessing today. (still need to get some pics from that...)The blessing was held at Kendra and Chad's house with both families.
I'm a curly-headed nurse, referee, story teller, jungle gym, doodle midwife, accountant, cook, recreational therapist, chauffeur, gardener, husband lover, squishy cheek kisser and mom to five accident prone, whirlwind boys and one sweet daughter.
Our new Goldendoodle website! Click the picture to enter
I'm writing all about our adventures with dogs and with breeding beautiful English Cream goldendoodles. Read all about it on the Family Dog Blog over at MagicValleyGoldendoodles.com
All pictures and words belong to Kimberly Hatch.. Powered by Blogger.
"If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and that you will—to your surprise—miss them profoundly."
Wow, Ash, he's tall. I can't believe how green the grass is. I wish I could have been there to kick your caboose in croquet.
Yeah, its nice to not have to worry about my heals being to high!
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