My list for the day:
1. Finish all the laundry
Put the laundry in the basket.
2. Make banana bread.
Eat the cake from Grandma.
3. Update Quicken accounts.
4. Don't forget to go to Austin's boat race at Dierke's lake at 10:30.
5. Don't forget to go to Benson's Kindergarten graduation at 10:30.
quote from Benson this morning--"Mom, do you even know I'm here?"
6. Swipe Ketsup and Mustard from your mother's pantry because you
don't have time to go to the store and get some to take to Austin's class picnic. See #4 and #5.
7. Take Benson to Baseball practice.
When you get there, realize that the practice is tomorrow.
8. When you get back from taking Benson to practice,
realize that Dallin is now late for his brain neuro-feedback appointment--
which you forgot last week costing $75.
which you forgot last week costing $75.
9. Be thankful that Grandma took pity on her distant offspring and fed them all dinner.
10. Blame everything on the fact that you had mastitis yesterday and barely survived
the 16 hours it took for antibiotics to kick in.
Tomorrow is the last day of school. Hallelujah!